Today Kade, Uncle Richard, and I all went to Gilbert Pediatrics to have his stitch removed. (The only time I have ever been to Gilbert Pediatrics was with Dara, Jim, and Azlyn, for Azlyn's first check up after leaving the hospital. Being there brought back wonderful memories!)
I have not gotten his measurements in quite some time, so the slip they gave me with his stats was much appreciated.
Weight: 31 lbs.
Height: 36 1/4
After getting the easy stuff out of the way, they led us into room 2 for the main event...
The Doctor removed Kade's bandaid and had him hold a wet paper towel around his finger to soften the skin as well as his stitch. Kade was still happy at this point! Uncle Richard and I tried to prepare Kade for what was about to happen. Uncle Richard stated that the Doctor was going to come back in and pull a string out of his finger like magic. This seemed to be okay with him, however you never really know how a child is going to react until something really happens.
After Kade was calmed down the Doctor looked over the rest of his little body. He is in great shape! Her only concern was his hernia. He has had it since birth. Since he was born two months early, his muscles did not fuse all the way together giving him quite a large bulge in his little tummy. She wants to revisit the hernia in March and see if he needs to have surgery. Cross your fingers that surgery is not the answer.
Brave little man! Isn't it funny how small the stitch looks once it is out, but it hurts like it is 5 inches long when it is coming out? So glad he is healthy and strong and we will pray he doesn't need surgery!